Course curriculum

    1. Author - Additional Language Support

    2. Author - Dynamic Tray Management

    3. Author - Effortless Version Control

    4. Author - Streamlined Link Editing

    5. Workflow Updates

    1. Updated language support

    2. Search Updates

    3. Library Administration (for BusinessOptix Administrators)

    4. Selecting Roles from Hierarchy in Author

    1. Enhanced Collaboration with BusinessOptix Author

    2. Library License

    3. Configuration Updates

    1. Pools (White box) and Lane sets

    1. Self-Help and Guidance in BusinessOptix Author

    1. Enhancements to managing quality reviews

    2. SCIM - System for Cross-domain Identity Management

    3. Bearer Token Support for APIs

About this course

  • Free
  • 43 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content